assalamualaikum !

I've not been  posting  much on here because i'm busy with TCB but season 3 is out - the camellias bloom podcast (on spotify, google, itunes etc.) and i've migrated my thoughts,  life lessons, reflections to tcb blog

check out  our blooming bloggers community ! 

TCB is  now a supportive  platform for not just converts  and new Muslimahs, but also for born-Muslimahs  <3 !



  1. I was just reading your Sunnah Style review for the 700th time over the past few years and I was so happy and shocked to see you're still active on here! Go you!


Assalamualaikum, please be mindful about what you are about to write. Think about it before writing and make sure it is something positive and beneficial, otherwise it will be deleted and ignored. JazakiAllah kheyr ! Sisters ONLY! xo