
 A lot of us, including myself have assumed at least once in our lives, as Muslims, that our relationship with Allah is supposed to be a transactional one. I do this, so Allah should give me this. I asked for this, so Allah should give me what I asked for. I gave up this so Allah should replace me with on and so forth...

The reason why we often feel so much pain is because we put ourselves in the centre of everything. There is a sense of entitlement that goes along with our worship. But what we forget is that our only true purpose in this life is to worship Allah alone, obey Him and glorify and praise Him.
When the ego gets in the way, it is hard to realise this. That is why many leave Islam (may Allah protect me and all of us Ameen!), many give up prayer, many stop pleasing Allah and end up disobeying Him...At the end of the day, this doesn't harm anyone except for yourself because the reality is, Allah doesn't need us, Allah is free of need from His creations...WE need Allah and when we fail to recognize that because of our own ego and thinking that everything should revolve around US, we lose sight of what the true meaning of Islam and being a Muslim is all about.


Assalamualaikum, please be mindful about what you are about to write. Think about it before writing and make sure it is something positive and beneficial, otherwise it will be deleted and ignored. JazakiAllah kheyr ! Sisters ONLY! xo