COVID19 : Ramadan Group

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu,

as Ramadan is in a few days (wow, subhana'Allah!) and most of us (those who can follow rules) are in quarantine, I was thinking to start a Ramadan group where we share reminders daily from the Qur'an and Sunnah. I think it would be a good idea to help each other do small deeds during this time, insha'Allah. The group will be on LINE app ( avoiding whatsapp) . If you are interested, you will have to download the app and e-mail me your user ID , at !  


Assalamualaikum, please be mindful about what you are about to write. Think about it before writing and make sure it is something positive and beneficial, otherwise it will be deleted and ignored. JazakiAllah kheyr ! Sisters ONLY! xo